Statistics demonstrate the need for a system that sanitizes various food products close to the plate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 48 million Americans get sick from foodborne illness each year. According to a report published by the
Produce Safety Project , acute foodborne illnesses cost the United States an estimated $152 billion per year in healthcare, workplace and other loses. More than a quarter of theese costs, an estimated $39 billion are attributable to 19,700,000 reported and documented food borne illnesses that are associated with fresh, canned and processed produce.
The past decade has seen a significant transformation in consumer attitudes about food and food preparation in an industry that is heavily fragmented. From the farm to the fork, inspectors are often caught in a conflict between enforcement responsibility and facilitating the flow of foreign, domestic and locally sourced goods. Unpackaged produce that is sold in the open market is sorted and selected by food handlers and consumers, causing contamination problems. According to the Berkeley Study (3), even the most high-quality and organic foods aren't exempt: if it's processed, packaged or unpackaged, it comes in contact with some kind of chemical or bacteria on the trip from the farm to the table. Although a series of safety protocols are essential in the supply chain, the last line of defense is before purchase or consumption. The trend of "whole-food juicing" and the consumer's taste for smoothies are examples of processes that require a "Treat Before You Eat" process * that minimizes harmful contaminates on food products before they are blended and consumed (1).
A study and testing was performed on the SaniChill Food Sanitizing System that incorporates a Synergistic Process at the University of Georgia, Department of Food Science and Technology under the direction of Yen-Con Hung, a world-renowned scientist and expert on food safety . Yen-Con Hung's reputation as a global leader in food safety has earned him the 2018 DW Brooks Award for Excellence in Global Programs. The study and testing was peer reviewed and published in the Journal of Food Science. The tests demonstrated the strong antimicrobial synergistic effect of germicidal UV light, activated oxygen and water that achieved a 5 log (99.999%) reduction of E.coli 0157:H7 on romaine and iceberg lettuce. The validated system tested at UGA is scalable to meet various process and throughput requirements at any point of distribution or consumption.
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety:
The application of ozone for the degradation of mycotoxins in food.
Pat. US 11,161,158; US 6,919,032; US 7,493,906; Other patents pending
Federal Register: The FDA approved the safe use of ozone in gaseous and aqueous phases as an antimicrobial agent on food, including meat and poultry.
The design of the SaniChill model is aesthetically pleasing and clearly conveys its valuable function. It provides users with a visual experience of their foods being treated with super oxygenated water and vapor exposed to the blue glow of germicidal UV light, demonstrating that their foods and non-consumable items are being treated with the most advanced and effective sanitizing process available.
International Journal of Food Science:Microbes Associated with Freshly Prepared Juices of Citrus and Carrots
Broad consumer appeal for organic products and processes has increased dramatically. Consumers are increasingly aware of bacteria and pesticides on their foods and are looking for ways to reduce their exposure to these harmful contaminants. The move toward organic, health-conscious products and processes is not a trend or fad, it's a societal paradigm shift, a permanent change in the way people think about what they buy and consume. The TrueWash was developed in direct response to this evolution in consumer behavior.
Endorsed By The White House Chef Tour
USDA Agricultural Research Service: Ultraviolet Light (254 nm) is a FDA approved nonthermal intervention technology that can be used for decontamination of food and food contact surfaces.
According to the Ad Council , every year 40 percent of food in the United States never gets eaten, translating to $218 billion lost, which includes the cost of food wasted on the consumer level, retail, wasted water, energy, fertilizers, cropland, and production costs. Approximately 21 percent of the food each person buys goes to waste, with the average American family of four spending $1,800 per year on food that they don’t eat. The TrueWash can help Save The Food by extending the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables. Organisizing traditional and organic produce makes healthy eating affordable by reducing the average family of four food costs by over $500 per year.
According to the Environmental Working Group the USDA found a total of 178 different pesticides and pesticide breakdown products on the thousands of produce samples it analyzed.
Sanist introduces the TrueWash, tested and certified by SGS and ETL. The TrueWash Wet/Dry System is incorporated into a countertop appliance that sanitizes and purifies food products and consumer items. The patented scientifically proven non-thermal system combines certified high intensity levels of UVC light and activated oxygen that is FDAandUSDA - Organic Approved(4) for contacting food products in an enclosed treatment zone that produces a strong antimicrobial effect that is applied to various products. There are no known bacteria or viruses resistant to the process. An industry-first, chemical - free organic process is effective against many of the most common pesticides, organochlorines, PFAS (2) and kills up to 99.999 % of harmful pathogens such as E.coli and salmonella on fruits and vegetables. The process extends the shelf-life (5) and does not affect the taste or color of foods, uses only 45 watts of power and 20 ounces of water per cycle which reduces the impact of energy and water use by 90% as compared to traditional rinsing methods. A dry sanitization mode can be selected to sanitize electronic devices and non-wettable items.
Ozone Science and Engineering: Application of oxidation by combined UV/Ozone system to the treatment of natural water.
© 2025 Sanist Technologies, LLC
Federal Register: Ozone is a USDA Organic approved antimicrobial food additive.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture: Ozone extends the shelf -life of fruits and vegetables.
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
Comparative study of per-and poly-fluorinated substances (PFAS} removal by combined UV/Ozone treatment.
The SaniChill Commercial System incorporates an Advanced Sanitizing Process that visually demonstrates the degrading of a herbicide (notice bubbles) sprayed onto a strawberry shown on the left as compared to the strawberry on the right without. The video simulates herbicides and pesticides that have been documented to drift onto crops when applied to nearby and long distance crop fields. The application method, temperature, humidity and wind velocity all play a part in determining the distance of the drift.
The method utilized in the System developed by Sanist is an automated patented partial vacuum / pressure non-thermal process. The system produces a synergistic effect by combining water, vapor, UV light and activated oxygen that is FDA and USDA - Organic approved for contacting food products that includes fruits and vegetables, seafood, meats and poultry. UV light converts activated oxygen in the presence of water to oxygen and peroxide which reacts with the activated oxygen to form the hydroxyl radical. The high intensity levels of UV light and activated oxygen that are incorporated into the process can only be applied to products in an enclosed housing. A proprietary high efficiency internal activated carbon cartridge purges vapor from the enclosed sanitizing housing.
Science Direct: UV/O3 combination enhanced and accelerated degradation of the pyrethroid insecticide fenvalerate in aqueous solutions because fenvalerate was degraded not only by direct photolysis but also by the hydroxyl radical mechanism.
Berkeley: According to the Berkeley Study "organic" does not automatically mean "pesticide-free" or chemical-free"